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Learn about the latest in
3-D Facial Scanning Technology

From one of the leading experts in this
new wave of technology

Why ExpertDDT?

Are you looking to take your dental practice to the next level and provide your patients with the latest in digital dentistry? Look no further than ExpertDDT! Our comprehensive courses provide dentists and dental professionals with the training and expertise needed to master the latest digital dental equipment and technology.

Whether you're just starting out in digital dentistry or looking to expand your skills and knowledge, our expert instructor will guide you every step of the way. Join ExpertDDT today and take your dental practice to the forefront of the digital dentistry revolution!

Discover Our Online Classes

From intraoral scanners and 3D printing to computer-aided design and manufacturing using (CAD/CAM) systems, our courses cover all the latest advancements in digital dentistry. With ExpertDDT, you'll learn how to streamline your practice, improve treatment outcomes, and provide your patients with a superior dental experience.

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Meet Fernando

Fernando is a highly skilled Digital Dental Technologist who began his career as a Dental Assistant in 2011. His passion for Digital Dentistry was sparked two years later when he began working in an in-house Dental Lab for an Implant Center located in the San Francisco Bay Area. With a reputation as one of the world's best Dental Technicians, Fernando is widely recognized for his creative and innovative ideas in Digital Dentistry, earning him the moniker, "The Wizard of Digital Dental Technology."

Fernando is a highly skilled Digital Dental Technologist who began his career as a Dental Assistant in 2011. His passion for Digital Dentistry was sparked two years later when he began working in an in-house Dental Lab for an Implant Center located in the San Francisco Bay Area. With a reputation as one of the world's best Dental Technicians, Fernando is widely recognized for his creative and innovative ideas in Digital Dentistry, earning him the moniker, "The Wizard of Digital Dental Technology."

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Begin your Journey with a free tutorial video on us!
Introduction to CAD
Duration 20:45
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